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Soul Work


For us, Soul Work is purposeful activity that improves the human condition, promotes mind/body/spirit healing and brings more love and light to the world. It is also spiritual work that connects us to source/God/the divine creator and a network beyond the physical realm into the spirit world. They say all of us are capable of connecting not only with our own spirit/soul/aura, and also with other aspects of spirit including our loved ones, helpers, angels, and guides. In our case, we came to understand soul work because of CC's miracle of remission from stage 3b rectal cancer, after using an integrative approach that included modern medicine, coherence therapy, meditation & affirmations, reiki healing and pivotally working with a Spiritualist medium trance healer in the Netherlands. CC knew immediately after her initial diagnosis that a spiritual awakening had begun. As such, we have since walked a path of seeking, listening, exploring, learning, honing and using our powers for good! While we are relatively young to what we call soul work in the sense of our learning and enlightenment, we are not new to its power. Many of the people who helped CC achieve remission have become our teachers and mentors. It as an honor to work with others in this way. If you are interested in any of the following offerings ⬇️ , please click the link below the session you are interested in.

Rainbow ethereal background complete with bright rays of light and soft flowing clouds .jp

Healing Work

Healing for Mind, Body & Soul

Because CC was once offered healing mediumship as a gift, we pay it forward in the same way. Healing sessions are FREE for those in need of healing of any kind: Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual.

For you, it is very much like a restful meditation. We do not claim to be "healers" nor do we physically or magnetically impart healing, as it does not come from us. We are simply a conduit that allows healing energies from Spirit, the God/Source, healing angels and helpers to be channeled through us, to you. Please note you do not have to believe in anything in particular to receive the gift of healing.

All are welcome and worthy!

Zoom session | Free

Donations Welcome | Limited Availability

Intuitive Reading

Wisdom from your soul

Different from mediumship, in this psychic reading we will use our heightened intuition to tap into your personal aura/spirit (higher self), read your energy and the vibes you are emanating, and share the messages we get from and for you as a result. Think of it as having intuition on steroids!

Contrary to urban legend, psychics do not tell the future and this is not fortune telling!

Zoom session | $55

Pay In Advance

Spirit Communication

Wisdom from your loved ones, friends, helpers & guides on the other side

In this mediumship reading, the medium connects with Spirit and communicates with passed loved ones and guides who come forward for you, to share messages mainly of love and hope. The medium will provide clues to the identity of the communicator so you can be certain of who they are before sharing their message. Please note that mediumship is often different in person than what you see on TV. 

Zoom session | $55

Pay In Advance

Rainbow ethereal background with suggesting auras and phrases_ _I am_ _I will_ _I release_

Combined Reading

Intuitive + Spirit Communication Reading

The best of both worlds.

Zoom session | $75

Pay in Advance

Rainbow ethereal background with suggesting auras and phrases_ _I am_ _I will_ _I release_
A Rainbow ethereal background flowing and suggestive of hope with rays of light shining th

Heart & Soul Coaching

For Cancer Survivors & Caregivers

Specializing in Colorectal Cancer, LARS & LGBTQ+ Survivorship

CC has been an executive coach for over two decades. Since going through her own cancer journey she realized that helping other survivors is part of her soul's purpose. She often has conversations with other survivors and caregivers that help navigate the landscape of treatment, survivorship, and sometimes she's just a trusted sounding board to share your fears and frustrations as well as your wins! CC gives you a safe space to share the things you can't always share openly with others. Every cancer, each cancer survivor, and even treatment (for the same cancers) are all so different, which means every person has to do cancer their own way! CC knows this is your process and is here to support you. 

Zoom session | Free

Donations Welcome | Limited Availability

Heart and Soul Coaching
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