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Writer's pictureCindy "CC" Coe

Welcome to My BadASS Life!

Hi! I am CC. ½ of @CCnDoc and a Badass with a Bad ASS! (‿;‿)

Welcome to My BadASS Life — The Blog. 💪 I am Boldy oversharing on life before, during and after stage 3b Rectal Cancer. Topics include: What it’s like living with a semicolon (my nickname for my surgically altered short colon sans sigmoid colon and the majority of my rectum) as well as my cancer journey, spirituality, food, my relationship with my spouse in the house and yes, poop! 💩 A lot of poop.

I’m on a mission to support and give back to the Colorectal Cancer (CRC) community (my people), educate others about CRC, and encourage YOU to get screened! ASK ME ANYTHING! 💙

After a year of cancer treatment including radiation, chemo and two surgeries, my current cancer status is NED (No Evidence of Disease), or what is often called remission. I prefer to think of it as CURED (never to return)! 💪 While I am still in “recovery mode” from treatment and surgeries — I have a few residual side effects from chemo and my semicolon is still figuring out how to finish a sentence 🚽🚽 🚽 less than 10 times a day without Imodium — I can honestly say I am grateful to be alive and feel blessed every day I get to wake up and smell the coffee. Mmmm, coffee! Overall I think Im doing very well considering the stakes. I often say I have it better than some and worse than others. It’s been quite the education and journey, though not one I’d wish on anyone. But because cancer is relentless in its pursuit to invade our bodies, it is necessary to learn what we can and share information, knowledge and experience with each other so that we can reshape our longevity and the statistics.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!

That means you’re going to be seeing a lot of BUTT, POOP and Cancer Awareness articles from me this month here and on my Instagram account; and I’m also going to be reminding you to GET YER BUTTS CHECKED!

Something for Everyone!

Keep in mind you don’t have to have cancer to be interested in these articles. Most of us KNOW someone with cancer and that is enough to qualify! I’m also asking my fellow cancer and CRC survivors as well as caregivers, families and friends of survivors to comment and share their stories with me in the responses section of my articles. By sharing we help to break the stigma. In case you haven’t noticed everyone is willing to talk about boobies but no one wants to speak of the embarrASSing butt!

I thought about making this blog into a podcast, but I really wanted the interaction of comments and questions. I also thought livestream but who has time for that?! And, Doc (my spouse in the house) and I already have a popular blog “CCnDoc Talk” where we occasionally cover the topic of cancer as well as many other tantalizing unscripted and uncensored topics.So blog it is. This is also not my first rodeo with blogging, back in the day I had a tasty food blog as a side hustle so don’t be surprised if you see some recipe articles pop up for your badass selves here, too! 🥗🥙🥦🥑🥖🍆🍓🍗 My Bad ASS Life isn’t just about me! In fact, it’s also about you. It’s designed to be an ask me anything, talk about everything, open-book discussion about:

  • Colorectal Cancer

  • Mainstream treatment & side effects

  • Complementary medicine

  • The mental, physical and spiritual aspects of fighting, living with and recovering from cancer

  • Navigating care

  • Cancer myths

  • Food

  • Spiritual healing

  • Woo woo talk

  • Being a care partner

  • Tips for friends and family of cancer survivors

  • Life with a semicolon

  • My badass

  • Your questions about my badass or your badass 😂

In other words, ASK ME ANYTHING about my cancer experience and I’ll answer to the best of my ability!

While I am living proof that cancer doesn’t always kill you, I’ll be the first person to say that every body is different! What works for one of us may not work for another. What causes wicked side effects in some does not in others. What may send me running to the bathroom could very well be nectar of the God’s for someone else. That’s why it is so important that we recognize that every person has to do cancer their own way. Some choose modern medicine, some alternative medicine and some, like me, take the cornucopia of medical, physical, mental, spiritual, metaphysical and more path! This is an individual journey and if you are someone who is walking alongside a person with cancer, please keep that in mind. It is a roller coaster of epic proportions and not everyone loves a good roller coaster ride.🎢 Some scream, some laugh, some vomit. 🤮 There are myths that need dispelling and new methods, beliefs and practices that should see the light of day. If you are still fighting, you and you alone have to BELIEVE in the approach you are taking and have faith in the people you surround yourself with to help you heal. Our mindset is so very important. Please know that when I share my stories, I am not telling you what to do, or how to do it. I am not a doctor and this is not a medical advice column. Rather it’s for us to share our experiences, strength and hope (and sometimes tears and frustrations) with each other and lift each other up.

So let’s get this Shit Show started! 💙💪



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